Today, it is one of Colorado’s 20 Community Centered Boards, designated as the sole provider of comprehensive services and support for approximately 150 adults and children with developmental disabilities in Crowley, Otero and Bent counties. Inspiration Field works with those individuals diagnosed with mental retardation, autism, cerebral palsy, Down’s syndrome and numerous other developmental disabilities.
In 1964, children with developmental disabilities in Colorado’s Arkansas Valley did not attend public school. A group of parents wanted and needed a place for their children to be in school with others, where they could learn and become as independent as possible. This group of parents created the organization that is known today as Inspiration Field. Inspiration Field has been providing services since 1966 in an area covering 3,611 square miles.
Adult Residential Services
Inspiration Field offers Adult Residential Services for individuals with developmental disabilities that range from minimum support and supervision to twenty-four hour on-site supervision and direct care.
Child & Family Services
These services are available for children meeting eligibility requirements based on the program’s requirements. A Case Manager can help determine if your family member meets the various eligibility criteria and answer any questions you may have about these programs.
Supported Living Services
Supported Living Services (SLS) is a Medicaid Waiver Program designed for Medicaid-eligible persons with developmental disabilities
Health Services
We provide twenty-four hours/seven days a week minimal to total direct medical care. Health Services assists the agency in determining and meeting the health needs of our individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities, prepares health care plans, and supervises the implementation of required health care.
Day Program & Supported Employment
Provides 24/7 care and supervision for persons living in a variety of community-based settings, including host homes (adult foster care), personal care alternatives (homes for 1-3 people) and group homes (homes of 4 - 8 people).
Driving is a primary job duty of many employees and an essential job duty of all employees at Inspiration Field.
Case Management
Inspiration Field provides Case Management services to all eligible persons living in Otero, Crowley, and Western Bent Counties.
Below is a list of upcoming dates for our Board of Directors Meetings held at Tiger Field Board Room, 612 Adams Ave., La Junta, CO.
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