We have been talking for a few months now about the big announcement from HCPF in September regarding an increase to the base wage for direct support professionals. We have been working diligently to analyze our current wage structure and create a sustainable blueprint that will both adhere to the new $15 per hour base rate, but also recognize and appropriately compensate veteran staff. We sincerely appreciate what you do for the individuals that receive services at InspirationField and we are excited to announce that we have finalized our plan for getting every single one of our superheroes a well-deserved wage increase effective the pay period beginning December 20, 2021.

Yes, each of you have been Superheroes!! Day in and day out, no matter the challenges faced, YOU continue to provide great supports and keep the individuals in service that we support safe and the #1 priority!! We are very thankful to have the funding to compensate you for all of your hard work, commitment, and loyalty to the individuals supported by Inspiration Field.

As we begin to break down the details of this wage increase, let’s start with those who are providing direct support to the individuals in service at IF, DSP’s. The new base rate for DSP’s will be $15.00 per hour.

Please see the chart below that breaks it down into further detail.

Note: What used to be known as the residential (location based) shift differential incorporated into the base rate for residential staff is now being replaced with a time-based differential. This $0.50 time-based differential (based on residential working hours) will be added when a DSP clocks in based on time, not location. This new process is a technical change to prevent discrepancies in pay rates when day staff works residential or vice versa. You should not notice a difference in your pay, but you will need to make sure that you are clocking in and out of the correct cost center to ensure correct pay. From this point forward, we will do away with the labels of “day” and “residential”. There will no longer be two types of DSP’s. The $0.50 differential will be paid to any DSP who clocks in during the hours seen in the chart below. Any exceptions will be addressed by your Supervisor or Director. If you have any questions, please see me or Kirsten Bonds, HR Director.

Next we look at administrative staff. We absorbed the 3% temporary increase that you have been receiving into your new rate. In addition, all non-exempt admin staff are receiving a 2.1% increase. Any exceptions will be addressed by your Supervisor or Director. If you have any questions, please see me or Kirsten Bonds, HR Director. Please see the chart below that breaks it down into further detail.

Thank you for your continued dedication to the individuals in service and to InspirationField.

THANK YOU for sticking with IF and the individuals we support during the Covid-19 Pandemic.

WE APPRECIATE EACH OF YOU wonderful Superheroes!!


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